
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Brilliantly Goth (AND CHEAP!) Holiday Gift Ideas

Alright, so if you're like're cheap. But, you don't want to prove that you're cheap because you're in denial so you need to find cool websites and shops that sell cheap things that look expensive...especially during the holiday season. Now, I know a lot of you don't have goth and alternative friends, like I do...but for those of you that are some awesome places to look for gifts.

1. Miss A
Alright, this shop is Ah-maze-ing. First it's like a virtual dollar store. Seriously, everything on the website is $1. And to top off the glorious ice cream sundae that is this website, the glistening delicious cherry is $3.95 flat rate USA shipping. Yeah, that's right.....$3.95 shipping and everything is $1.00. This is definitely a website to check out for stocking stuffers-I just placed an order myself so I will update with the quality of the items from the shop. The items all look like cheap ebay jewelry and accessories from china to me. The thing I liked the most about it is the shipping say 5-8 days, and most listings for the items on eBay all have a month to wait for shipping. So, this website seems totally promising.

Update: The quality of the items is as expected. They are definitely not high end but will help make stockings look a lot more full and are some things my friends will enjoy. My only complaint is that my one skull hand pen came broken...but a little hot glue will fix it right up.

Here are some cheap gothy things I found quite interesting on this website.


2. Pop Up Tee
This is a glorious website that I HIGHLY suggest you subscribe to so you don't miss out on anything awesome. This is especially a great site if you're doing a Secret Santa and want to wow someone with your knowledge of their geeky-ness. The way Pop Up Tee works is every week or so they have a new set of T-shirts that go on sale for $12.99 with free shipping. Yup, that's right less than $20.00 with free shipping. They use original artwork based on pop culture at the time. Usually video games but occasionally you'll hit the jack-pot of horror movies and other hilariously goth things. However, a lot of my friends are extremely into Video games and things like My Little Pony and Doctor Who so it's a great site to keep an eye on for Christmas time. The quality of their shirts is phenomenal as well. Really, I have no complaints. Here are some examples that have been/are on sale right now that I think are amazing.

Geeky $12.00 T-Shirts. I love it.

3. Darling Girl Cosmetics
So, I love their Queens of Scream Horror Movie makeup which are phenomenal. I personally ordered The Bride for myself, and Hello, Clarice for Kat A'strophé. These are amazing glitter filled eyeshadows for really great prices. $6.00 for a full sized with custom art work, $2.50 for a petite...they have so many different types. Best of all, they are an Indie Business run by a really great girl. They are just phenomenal. The only thing to watch out for is their 2 week turn around rate so if you're planning on ordering for better hurry! 
This is a little bias because this is my shop, but if you really want some cool things for your goth friends check out what I currently sell. We have $10 min-stockings filled with goodies, stress relief holiday soap (that would be great for ANY mom), and tons of Bath products, magickal products and spooky one of a kind creations. I seriously suggest it. Oh! Want an added bonus? Use code "YuleLoveThis" for a free stocking stuffer (this is a code only available for readers of this blog, magick and macabre co. winners, and previous shoppers)! <3 Black Friday, we're going to have a totally cool sale...and a different one for Cyber keep your eyes peeled! 

This isn't really a website, it's an App and it is totally cool. Users from all over the world can sell items on this app for yardsale type prices. I've snagged some totally gnarley items on it. Some of my favorite sellers are: @missravenwolfe88, @screamqueensammi, & @manonthemoonmystics! My shops are @Magickmacabre & @UniverseFaggot! Below are some pictures of stuff I snagged already. (Two of which are X-mas presents for friends!)


So there you have it! My top 5 go to places for shopping this holiday season! Most of which are gothically inclined!

Blessings & Love,

Friday, August 28, 2015

Paranormal Investigation 101

Chances are that if you’re a witch, you probably adore the paranormal as well as all things witchy. Let me tell you, I’m right there with you! As the co-founder of the Sullivan Paranormal Society a ghost hunting group in my hometown, I know a thing or two about starting to investigate the paranormal. So, here’s a list of my top 5 tips/things to remember when paranormal investigating.

1) First and most importantly, respect the dead.
The paranormal are just spirits that have crossed through the veil. Treat them as you would any other person you meet. Show them respect and you’ll be surprised at the results they’ll help you get.

2)  Keep in mind your senses are your most powerful tool.
Don’t get me wrong, ghost hunting ‘toys’ are fun and can yield amazing results. EMF meters, Night Vision Cameras, ghost boxes, KII….they’re all amazing pieces of equipment. However, in my own experience the most valuable and power piece of equipment you can have is yourself. Get a strange feeling from a room? Go stick to that room for a while…use some of your equipment there. Your being is like a compass.

3) Take base-readings/mental notes.
Walk around where you’re investigating first. Take note of electrical wires, pipes, uneven floor or ground patches. If you have an EMF or Mel meter, this would be the time to use it and note any spikes or readings. That way when you’re investigating you don’t think something natural is something supernatural. Finding uneven patches on the ground is a great way to keep you safe. Our team even uses glow-in-the-dark mini traffic cones to note patches so no one trips in the dark.

4) Remain Grounded, Carry Protection of all kinds.
When you go into an investigation, keep in mind negative energy is out there as well. Although, in my experience I do not believe it’s as common. Always go into an investigation properly grounded, feeling positive and happy. Remember my blog about positive attracting positive and negative attracting negative? Keep that in mind. Carry protection not only for spiritual energy, but also in case you meet a mortal creep or animal along the way. Black tourmaline is a GREAT stone to use as a paranormal investigator, and pepper spray or a pocket knife is always good to have on hand in case of a mortal world emergency. 

5) Research your location before and after! 

You’d be amazed what results you may find. I recently investigated a cemetery with my team that we hadn’t researched much before we got there. Both myself and another team member experienced the same tightness in our chest/throat in a section of the cemetery. Come to find out, 2 people had drowned on the property and one person was lynched near by. All three were buried in the cemetery near where we were. It was even the anniversary of the night of one of the drownings. If we had researched that prior to investigating, we would have been able to further investigate our feelings at the time. Usually finding information takes a lot of dedication and digging–but trust me it’s worth it.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

My First Psychic Reading.

Greetings & Salutations all! Yesterday, I attended a lovely festival with my shop Magick & Macabre Co. & the Sullivan Paranormal Society to benefit the Sparrow's Nest of the Hudson Valley. While I was there, I was set-up next to a psychic booth. This psychic booth had two psychics there, one of which I decided to get my first reading with! Her name is Lynn Kuber, she practices this type of psychic reading called "Psychometry".

Psychometry is when she holds an item such as a necklace, cellphone, watch--something you use everyday and uses that item to tune into the vibrations and spirits that are around you at that time. It was pretty interesting to watch because as she uses the item, she writes pages upon pages of paper until she gets to a point where she can stop and talk to you about her findings. It's almost automatic; the way her hands drift across the paper in a fascinating scripted pattern forming messages "from the other side" for you. This reading was truly enlightening for me and although I wouldn't say I'm a believer of all psychics, I definitely feel Lynn can tune into the emotions you have at the time and maybe even speak to the spirits watching over you.

I've decided to type up the 12 or so pages she gave me after my reading for you all to read and for my future reference. Her handwriting is quick and scripted so it's quite confusing to read for instance here's a photo below of a part of writing that had me incredibly confused for a few minutes;
Contrary to popular belief, or what Barb & I thought it doesn't say
 "Clean Sex" however that too is good advice.
This says "didn't get to in time".
So, you can see why I want to type it up.
It's kind of difficult to read at just a glance.
I'm very thankful she went over the papers with
me. So I could share!
So, from here on I will be discussing the reading I received. Lynn's writings will be in italics. They will be underlined if she underlined them in the reading and will be bolded if she circled or brought attention to them in the reading. All of my own personal thoughts (if any) will be in normal text. Enjoy!
-- -- -- -- --

I sat down with Lynn incredibly nervous. I've never had a psychic reading before and it was nerve wracking to think what this stranger could potentially know about me--things I didn't even know about myself perhaps? As I sit down she tells me she needs an item of mine to hold so she can begin her psychometry. I slip a necklace I wear around my neck every day off and hand it to her. She presses the go on her timer for our ten minute session and begins writing:
Bee                              6/20/15
A personal message:  A need to let go of the past and move on. A need to step back and take a time out. You need to press someone for more info. You don't seem to be getting all the info you need. 
A Spirit who has had a head issue before they passed. Accident, trauma, cancer to and in the head, aneurism, stroke. Alzheimers Dementia tells you they are okay now. A Spirit you couldn't get to in time no closure you couldn't get there.
A need to jump back in. Get back to something you are good at. Don't give up on this. You need to believe in yourself. You are about to get confirmation that you are on the right track. You will be in demand. You cannot fail at this. 
A spirit or person with a chest, lung, heart, heart issue.  Dad. Dad will/is be fine. This person who was a rebel. Tells you to do the same. Don't follow the crowd. Be yourself. Be an individual. This person/spirit has a problem with their heart chakra but will be/is fine.
You give too much. You need to ask for what you need & want. Demand the grease. Be the squeaky wheel. A trip to the south west, AZ or NM. You'll expand.  You'll be making hand over fist by Christmas. This is going to take oil. You'll expand over Xmas. Trust your gut. You cannot fail. 

 This reading was very inspirational. It sounds rather generalized to me, but never the less it was a pep-talk I really needed. I'll be looking forward to reporting back by Christmas to tell you if I really am 'hand over fist'. I'm not 100% sure what it is I need to dive back into. My sister & Kat think it's Photography. I feel like it might be writing. So, I will start working on both those things more over the Summer. You never know what could happen! I'm looking forward to this trip to the Southwest. Haha! We'll see what happens...

Blessings & lots of love,

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Recipe: Vegan Pizza Muffins

Vegan Pizza Muffins 
These muffins are really easy to make and are great for vegans & non vegans. They're super cheap for a college budget and my room mate & I can't get enough of them! Sooo good.

1/2 cup of black olives
1/4 a cup of frozen kale
1/2 a large tomato, chopped
2 1/4 cups of biscuit mix (Bisquick)
2/3 cup of almond or soy milk
1T of basil
1T of garlic powder
1T of Italian spice mix or oregano
1/4 Cup of tomato sauce **For Dipping!**

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and place the mix into a greased muffin tin. Bake at 350ºF for 30-40 minutes depending on your oven.
Enjoy the pizza muffins with a cup of tomato sauce for dipping sauce! They're absolutely delish!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Domain Change

Hello all, long time no chat. So, to put things simply this site is under construction. I am in between transferring my domain to Things are going to be kinda sketchy for the next few days as the two domains work on meshing together the proper way. Don't worry, we'll be back to our regular blog schedule soon! In fact, once classes end I will be posting more frequently! So, until hard feelings, please?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Negative energy & bad vibes.

In my life, I meet a lot of amazing people everyday. People who believe in similar theories that I do, and some who do not. However, the amount of people I meet who carry negative energy with them astounds me. I know a few people in my life that seem to carry it everywhere with them. Every time something minor goes wrong in their life they dispel nothing but negative vibes from their being and it can be nauseating to be around. These same people believe in life energy and all the same things I believe in, yet they look for the bad everywhere they can and often ignore the good aspects of their life.

From my experience, these people are also the type of people that complain about 'dark shadows' following them, getting scared by ghosts, or having terrible luck. Well...duh. If you believe in the paranormal and entities of any sort, you'll know that they are attracted to the types of energy you give off. Any paranormal investigator, regardless of experience, knows that you always go into an investigation with a positive mind, feeling good, and properly grounded. If you go in feeling upset or angry, the spirits you will attract will be negative ones. And we definitely don't want that on routine why should this differ from your everyday life?

For instance, if you are constantly spewing negative energy, complaining & getting angry over petty things, negative entities are going to be attracted to you because they can feed off of that. It's much like any other thing trying to ensure it's survival, it's going to stay where it knows it can get the sustenance it needs. So, why wouldn't they be attracted to the negative energy you spew off?

The same goes with positive energy. If you remain positive in your everyday life you will find that the entities that cling to you, the energy around you, will be much more up lifting. Your positivity will help you, rather than hinder you, and in the off chance you do see something paranormal it tends to leave you feeling unafraid. Not to say that negative things won't find their way into your life, but they definitely will find their way into your life a lot less than someone carrying a plethora of negative energy.

Basically, the moral of this blog post is that you get what you give. Those of you who have reached out to me because of your 'shadow people' or 'bad karma' think about the way you live your everyday life. Do you stay positive when something goes wrong and fix it, or do you bitch and moan about it before you try to fix it? This will effect you more than you think it will. Change your lifestyle and things will get better. Always try to stay positive.

A wise old wizard once said; “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.”
Remember that, always.

Good vibes & blessed be,

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dream Diary: A Helpful Vision?

I just woke up from a really weird experience I've never quite had happen to me before.

Today, I got back from an investigation with the Sullivan Paranormal Society and I was extremely drained. I felt like I was overwhelmed, physically & mentally drained. In fact, I immediately fell asleep after uploading some team picture to our website--passing out without evening plugging in my cellphone, or gathering my supplies for classes tomorrow.

While I was asleep I had a dream that I was inside a little, tiny, Wiccan/Crystal shop. I was walking around this dimly lit shop looking for something desperately, like...really really looking. This shop was like something out of a fantasy book. Things hanging from the ceiling...witch balls, there were lots of witch balls and candles upon the walls. I was really hunting for something, wandering around this little store looking into all the cases and over of all these rocks I've never seen before. Pinks, purples, browns, blacks, silvers, going on seemingly forever inside this little shop, mixed in with crystal wands and amulets.

I was about to give up my search and leave when I walked up to a case the left of the door (my right, but the left inside the shop). I stare down at the little cardboard rectangular, sectioned up display below me atop a glass display case and let out a sigh of relief. I grab this stunning and beautiful black oval stone, with tiny flecks of brown and white elegantly intermingling within' it. I hold in my hand for a few minutes and immediately feel a sensation of like peace. Like, I'm at peace with the world and everything is perfect.  I look up, my eyes twinkling and I say;
"This is the one I need."
I then promptly walk out of the store and the minute the door closes behind me, jolt awake.

I've never heard of black garnet before this dream. I'm really into the power of stones, but black garnet isn't one I've heard of being new to the power of crystals. Of course, I know black crystals are very good for psychic protection, but that's about all I know. Naturally waking up from something like this I immediately googled it to find out what this dream could mean.

First, of course, I googled pictures of it to make sure this really was the stone I picked up and not something my subconscious completely made up. Here's a picture of the's exactly what I saw in my dream:

This is what I found on the first link I typed, explaining what the stone does: Healing Crystals For You.

Apparently Black Garnet is one of the highest forms of psychic protection you can find. Here are some quote from the website on what the stone actually does for you;

"This powerful protective vibration not only keeps you safe from harm on all levels, but can be helpful for anyone who has suicidal thoughts to feel better about life. It seals your aura and deflects negativity... like a powerful energetic shield around you.",
"This is also an excellent stone to use in your room when you are sick, as it stops any negative entities from attaching to you, which may happen when your system is weakened. If you are a healer or psychic reader, this is a good stone to keep nearby to absorb anyone else's negative energy."

"Use it to learn about the morphogenic fields of knowledge, and to open you to experience psychic visions also known as clairvoyant abilities.",

"Black Andradite Garnet also has an empowering energy, that may help you if you feel you would like to be on the spiritual path, but may lack confidence in your ability to remain committed.",

"Black Andradite Garnet can help you to let go of negative emotions that may be harming your relationships with others. Emotions such as jealousy, coveting what others have, suspicion, mistrust... or being too quick to get angry, may be released. This is an excellent stone to keep close to you, and keeping a piece on your body is beneficial." 

This is such a weird dream. I'm still trying to grasp everything. This stone is exactly what I've been looking to find lately, exactly it. I've been doing a lot of stone research trying to find something as powerful as my black tourmaline which is my crystal of choice. I didn't want to go for just obsidian or onyx in fact they were in the little case with this stone along with other notably protective/grounding stones. This is the one I picked up. This exact one. This one coming to me in a dream could not have been just a coincidence...right?

Now, the trick is raising enough money to buy one of these stones 'cause they're not really cheap. I guess I've got a lot of saving up to do.

Blessed be,

P.S: It's 4:19 AM on the eve of my first day of school. So, I'm gonna go back to sleep for a few hours now. I just needed to share while I still remembered everything.