
Monday, May 23, 2016

Poltergeists, RSPK and Energy imprints.

Let's talk about poltergeists, RSPK, and energy imprints.

Poltergeist literally translates to "noisy spirit" in German, but in reality a poltergeist is not really a spirit at all. Many parapsychologists believe that a poltergeist is really just RSPK (Recurrent Spontaneous Psycho Kinesis) which is connected to a specific individual. It's psychic energy coming from someone undergoing environmental stresses. It could be caused by anger, sadness, general stress, or other strong emotions. It's much like the cliché bottling up metaphor that we're taught at a young age only instead of exploding, your energy goes off on it's own and causes all sorts of havoc in your home. Poltergeists are also really fascinating because most of the time, they're focused on one person in particular. In fact, most of the time with poltergeist hauntings, apparitions are quite scarce because it's not really a spirit at all, but built up RSPK from a person usually unaware that they have any sort of psychic abilities at all. Once the person being effected by the poltergeist activity becomes aware that it is them causing it, activity tends to stop for they are able to get a better handle on their emotions.

Living people can have an effect on an area. This is most fascinating to me because I've experienced the imprint of energy being left behind by still living people. Sometimes, if a person's energy is strong enough in an area and the electromagnetic fields are just right they can leave a living imprint of their energy in an area without even realizing it. This can be anything from sounds left behind to, to feelings, to in extreme cases 'shadow figures' and parts of themselves playing in a loop. Especially in areas where they spent a lot of time. I've experienced this twice on my own. The first time was when I was younger, my sister and I would see my mother in the bathroom of our house all the time and when we walked into the kitchen--she'd really be there instead. My mother found solace in the bathroom, it was the only place she could be to herself and relax and not have to worry about everyone bugging her all the time. So, it's quite possible that her energy imprint was left in that room. Since she's moved out to a different house and doesn't stay in that room anymore, I haven't seen the 'apparition' (for lack of a better word) since. The second experience I have with energy being left behind is a former room mate of mine had a very negative personality. Not that she realized it, she just tended to harp on the negative things that would happen in her life and have just general bad vibes most of the time around her because so many things had gone wrong in her life. She's the same room mate who used to have problems with a shadow figure in her room (I believe this might have been RSPK that she was unaware of at the time for she is fairly sensitive). Ever since she's moved out, the room that she used to live in has very negative feelings still and me, being an empath, am constantly getting angry while in the room with no apparent cause. I believe this is still her energy clinging to the room. Even with sage cleansing it won't go away, because it's not a ghost....but an energy imprint. I believe it will go away on its own in time.

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